Rappel/Reminder: She Sings as She Flies - Revisiting the Helen Creighton Song Collection  


Les Productions le Moulin présentent She Sings as She Flies: Revisiting the Helen Creighton Song Collection 

Patchwork (Mary Jane Lamond, Laurel MacDonald), Nicole LeBlanc, Kirsten Olivia, Naomi Dawn Poulette

Théâtre Marc-Lescarbot (Université Sainte-Anne), le jeudi (Thursday) 2 novembre à 7:30

Billets: $15 à l'avance/in advance; $20 à la porte/at the door; Étudiants/Students: $10

en vente/on sale: Saulnierville Pharmacy; La Shoppe Verte (Concession); Ocean Blue Music (Yarmouth), Weymouth Drugstore

Des chansons traditionnelles gaéliques, anglaises/irlandaises, écossaises, acadiennes, et des chansons des communautés noires et Mi'kmaq de la Nouvelle-Écosse présentées dans un contexte moderne et en format multimédia. 

Traditional Gaelic, British/Irish, Scottish, and Acadian songs as well as songs from the Mi'kmaq and black communities of Nova Scotia performed in a modern context and in a multimedia format. 


Information re Helen Creighton:


She Sings as She Flies has been made possible through the generous support of the Nova Scotia 150 Forward Fund and the Helen Creighton Folklore Society.