Prochain spectacle/Next show  


L’Association Le Moulin Présente

Daniel Heïkalo et Ryan LeBlanc au Club social de Clare
(guitare, banjo, cistre, percussion)

jeudi le 1 juin 2006 à 20h

Billets: 15$
Étudiants (19 ans et plus): 12$
Billets en vente au Club

Concert enregistré par CBC/Radio Canada pour diffusion sur les réseaux français et anglais


Le Moulin Association Presents

Daniel Heïkalo and Ryan LeBlanc at the Clare Social Club in Little Brook
(guitar, banjo, cittern, percussion)

Thursday June 1st 2006 at 8 p.m.

Tickets: $15
Students (19 and over): $12
Tickets currently on sale at the Club. Clients from outside the region may purchase tickets with
a credit card by calling La Galerie Comeau: 769-2896

The concert will be recorded by CBC Radio and will be broadcast at a later date on both
the CBC and Radio-Canada networks.