Les Productions le Moulin présentent Hat Fitz & Cara chez Evelina
le samedi 10 septembre à 19h30/Saturday, September 10 at 7:30
Billets/Tickets: $20 (étudiants/students: $12) Billets/Tickets: chez Evelina; Saulnierville Pharmacy; Weymouth Drug Store; Ocean Blue Music (Yarmouth)
Contact: pcm.comeau@ns.sympatico.ca
Les Backyard Devils, un merveilleux groupe de Moncton, ont récemment partagé la scène avec Hat Fitz & Cara à Belfast (Irlande) et ils ont été totalement emballés par le duo! Dillon Robicheau les recommande très fortement!
The Backyard Devils, a fabulous band from Moncton, recently played a show with them in Belfast (Ireland) and, in Dillon Robicheau's words on Facebook, they were "blown away" by them. He very strongly suggests that people don't pass up the opportunity to see them at Evelina's.
Voici deux vidéos/Here are two videos:
1. "That's No Way to Get Along" (tiré d'un show récent en Belgique/an excerpt from a recent show in Belgium):
2. "Power," an inspirational anthem recorded for a Memphis TV network, is followed by "Shakedown," a powerful Celtic blues performance!
Visitez notre page Facebook, ou le site Web du groupe, pour d'autres vidéos/Go to our Facebook page, or to their Website, to watch more videos: https://www.facebook.com/LesProductionsLeMoulin/ and at their Website http://www.hatfitzandcara.com
"...simple, powerful, full of the inherent realism we've come to expect from these two....a stellar effort." -Rolling Stone review of Wiley Ways album
"They pack more energy, emotion and sheer musical exuberance into one song than most manage in a whole career." -Spiral Earth Magazine (UK)
Grand merci à nos commanditaires/Thank you to our sponsors: Patrimoine canadien, Arts NS, La Municipalité de Clare