Les Productions le Moulin présentent
Joe Matheson: Hank Williams 1952 - Live, A Theatrical Tribute to the King of Country Music
le vendredi 17 mars à 19h30/Friday, March 17 at 7:30 chez Evelina
Billets/Tickets: $25 à l'avance/in advance; $28 à la porte/at the door
Billets en vente/Tickets on sale: Evelina's, Saulnierville Pharmacy, Weymouth Drugstore, Ocean Blue Music (Yarmouth)
Contact: pcm.comeau@ns.sympatico.ca (902) 769-3288
Suivez nous sur Facebook/Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LesProductionsLeMoulin
Le groupe qui accompagne le chanteur est conforme aux musiciens qui accompagnaient Hank Williams.
Joe Matheson will be accompanied by a five-man band that's a replica of Hank's Drifting Cowboys: guitar, bass, fiddle, steel guitar, and drums.
“… a most believable portrayal of the talented and tortured singer ...Hank's best known songs delivered with passion and emotional depth...the chemistry is palpable.”
– London Free Press
“The stellar performance of Joe Matheson – filled with wit, charm, and personality [and] his amazingly rich voice and emotional range...an amazing performance (that) transports you to a front row seat of the 1950s concerts of Hank Williams."
– St. Thomas Times-Journal
“This is a show that sings the truth from beginning to end. Not only does Joe Matheson convincingly deliver the sound of Hank Williams, he also captures the soul of the music. This is great entertainment with a very big heart. It swept me away”
– Robert More, Artistic Director, Victoria Playhouse
“Joe Matheson is ‘the quintessential voice of Hank Williams.’”
– Rob Wellan, Former PR Director, Grand Theatre, London ON
"After being involved with hundreds of acts each year, Joe Matheson's stood out significantly. Cover bands and impersonators are a dime a dozen. Joe's performance, however, was outstanding - it was evident he had studied Hank's character and the end product reflected his craft as an actor." Ken Swirsky, Wiltshire Studios, Hiawatha Racetrack
"Joe Matheson's portrayal of Hank Williams was note-perfect. His impressive vocal range, considerable stage presence, musical skills and impeccable timing brought the audiences to their feet night after night." Caroline Smith, Artistic Director, Stirling Theatre
“As Hank Williams Matheson gives a very professional show with obvious attention to detail. He has put together an interesting play list of Williams’ songs and researched his life to write witty banter and carefully scripted repartee to educate us about Williams’ life.”
– Mary Alderson, Theatre in London
More Presenter quotes:
"I closed my eyes and listened to Joe Matheson's voice - it truly was Hank Williams LIVE! Quite amazing, really!"
"This was an awesome show. People are still talking about it weeks later."
"The best show we ever presented."
"Awesome. Outstanding."
"Our first sell-out - EVER!"
"I've been here five years and I've never heard a crowd like that. It was amazing."
Commanditaires/Sponsors: Patrimoine canadien/Arts N.S.